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Isaac Proctor

Isaac Proctor Elementary intertitle Assassin

Character Information
Status: Deceased
Actor: Erik Jensen
First Appearance: "The Woman"
Family: Duane (brother)
Episode Count: 2
"I apologize, Mr. Holmes. You weren't supposed to see it coming."
— Isaac Proctor, "The Woman".

Isaac Proctor is an assassin for Jamie Moriarty.


Season One

Watson is able to find Isaac from a paint pigment his bother Duane purchased which was used by Irene Adler. Believing Duane held Adler captive, the police question his brother Isaac at his home where he tutors children. Isaac believes Duane is innocent but when Duane arrives outside, Captain Gregson leaves an officer with Isaac and goes outside to see Duane. As Gregson questions a confused Duane, shots are heard from inside the house and Isaac is found to have fled. Later, Gregson tells Watson that Isaac was a professional killer but chose to only wound the officer guarding him. In a motel room, Isaac has shaved his beard, cut his hair and anxiously speaks to one of Moriarty's lieutenants for for help. The lieutenant agrees but has a task for Isaac to perform. To maintain the ruse that Adler was held captive, he leaves a flower at The Brownstone that her "captor" would give her.

S01E23-Isaac questioning
I tutor kids here.
At the precinct, from a hidden camera, Watson shows Bell and Gregson video of Isaac leaving the flower for Adler. She tells Holmes that Isaac used to be a CIA interrogator so it's likely he was the one holding Adler. Isaac meets with Moriarty's lieutenant and his men in the back of a delivery truck. Knowing they will kill him, he creates a distraction and kills the men. The lieutenant says Moriarty ordered his execution for being discovered by the police. Issac shoots him in the hand and tells him that since Moriarty ordered no one is to kill Holmes, he is going to as revenge. ("The Woman")

S01E23-Proctor w men
Moriarty's obsessed with Holmes.